“It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.” – Agnes Repplier
Residential Safety
Top Home Security Tips for the Holiday Season
With the holiday season quickly approaching, remaining safe and secure in your own home may be a concern. It is a well-known fact that residential crime increases during the holidays – it gets dark earlier, homes fill up with unwrapped gifts, and burglars become more and more active. Here are some tips to secure your home over the holidays:
Think Like a Thief
Try to take an objective look at your home and search for a way in. Did you leave a ladder outside? If so, make sure to put it away. Are there shrubs that would be ideal for hiding? Trees to climb? Dog doors? Vents? Think creatively – and be sneaky. Also, since many thief’s cut telephone lines to try and disable alarms, think about installing cellular home security monitoring.
Be Careful with Social Media
You need to be careful about what you post. You never know who is reading or looking at your social media pages. If you are planning on traveling, it is not a good idea to post about it on social media until you are back home. The fact is, criminals are quite savvy when it comes to using Facebook and other social media outlets to chart a person’s location. Make sure to share this with your children, as well.
Locks, Windows, and Doors
The back or front door are the most common points of entry for a burglar. Make sure that your doors remain locked, since up to 40 percent of burglaries take place through an unlocked window or door. Also, if you don’t have a deadbolt installed, now is the time to purchase one. Other points of entry include unlocked ground floor windows, especially ones that are on the side or in the back of the house.
Take some time to consider your home’s security. If it is not up to par, now is the time to take action. This can help ensure you have a happy holiday season.
15 Proven Ways to Avoid Gaining Weight Over the Holidays
Sugar cookies, gingerbread houses, turkey, sweet potatoes – the sweets, treats, and goodies of the holiday season go on and on. While you may love the flavors, you definitely don’t love the added pounds. If you want to avoid holiday weight gain this year, use the 15 proven and effective tips found here.
1. Eat something before you drink.
2. Pick a protein to eat with your meal.
3. Eat and chew your food slowly.
4. Eat lots of fiber
5. Use smaller plates.
6. Sneak in lots of veggies.
7. Say “no” to certain foods and dishes.
8. Wait awhile before grabbing seconds to let your body feel full.
9. Avoid a lot of white foods.
10. Turn off the TV while you eat.
11. Chew gum or pop a mint.
12. Avoid temptation by turning your back to tasty looking treats.
13. Drink lots of water.
14. Exercise and walk.
15. Ask a friend to help you stay healthy and hold you accountable.
These may seem simple, but if you use these 15 tips, you will find that you can keep your holiday weight gain at bay.
Expensive and Crazy Celebrity Holiday Gifts You Won’t Believe
Do you know what the holiday gifts of Victoria Beckham, Mariah Carey, and Beyoncé all have in common? Here’s a hint – they won’t fit under your average Christmas tree!
Here you will find some of the most outrageous celebrity holiday gifts ever!
Mariah Carey and Nick Cannon
While they were still married, Nick gave then wife Mariah a Rolls Royce Phantom (along with personalized license plate) that cost $400K.
Mike Tyson
Tyson purchased his now ex-wife, Robin Givens, a bathtub worth $2 million one year. Now it makes a bit of sense, why he has $38 million in debt.
Victoria Beckham
Victoria’s husband, David, purchased her a posh Christmas purse. To be specific it was a Hermes bag worth $129,000.
Those are some pretty extravagant gifts for the holidays.
Rock ‘N Roll Trivia Question

Send us your best guess to win a $10 Target gift card! Just reply to our email newsletter (or email accounting@pioneersecurity.com).
What is the first name the band Pearl Jam went by?
Our Services
We offer a wide-range of commercial and residential services that include:
- Video Surveillance
- Intrusion Detection
- Access Control
- Fire Protection
- Medical Alarms for Seniors
- Solar Systems
If you need information on any of our services, please call (800)274-8274, or just reply to this email (accounting@pioneeremergency.com).
Howard L. Feldman
Pioneer Emergency Response Services, Inc.
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